Fresh Step | Step It Up

Online Video, Social, Mobile

Me and my partner where brought in to FCB Chicago to come up with a new platform idea and a campaign for a cat litter with superior odor control: Fresh Step. Even though we initially thought Sh*t Talkers - a series of ads where you litter is talking smack behind your back - would be hilarious, we settled on screaming litter disturbing your perfect life.

My freelance partner Evelynne Scholnick and I, concepted, developed, and creative directed these little stinkers, though we didn’t get to film them. They came out just as we hoped they would - minus some sh!tty jokes that were rightfully cut.

ECD: Justin Enderstein
CD: Teo Wilson
CD: Evelynne Scholnick
ACD: Francisco Aguera
ACD: Natasha Ygsi


RoboBurger | A Burger Chef In A Box | Stunt


Powerade | Making of a Champion | Campaign